Excessive body hair could be the result of a medical condition, or it could be hereditary. Hirsuteness, which is an enlarged hair follicle that causes thick hair, is a real ailment that could affect one’s self-esteem and self-image. But whether or not one’s unwanted body hair is the result of a health condition, women and men may suffer because of the unsightly presence of these short strands of hair.ELOS hair removal and facial rejuvenation

New advancements in the world of medicine, however, have created new solutions to this unwanted hair concern. Whereas in the past, people were reluctant to undergo hair removal procedures because of side effects, ELOS changes all that.

ELOS (electro-optical synergy) uniquely uses the synergy between electrical energy, including radiofrequency energy, and optical energy to pre-heat the targeted area. This allows a thermal path where gentle pulses of radiofrequency energy can travel to the hair follicle.

Results that use traditional optical only systems tend to be limited because their operation relies indirectly on superheating the melanin within each hair shaft. This means they only hope for enough thermal collateral damage to remove body hair. But with Syneron new technology, superior results can be achieved because it precisely targets and destroys hair follicles via a process called Vortex healing. Thus, the surrounding skin is undamaged and protected. The result is healthier, more smooth skin in far less time, and minimum to no side effects.

It is no surprise to find many men and women turning to ELOS hair removal solutions. Safer, lower energy levels are used to provide more optimal results. The device itself is cooled down as well so that surrounding skin remains unharmed. It’s a cost-effective health investment for people looking for permanent and effective skin enhancement procedures.

Not only that, this revolutionary non-invasive technology also provides skin rejuvenation. And just like its hair removal results, there are practically no side-effects and safer energy levels are used. The result is skin that’s healthy, smooth and rejuvenated.

Compared to earlier technology, there is less blistering, scabbing, crusting and hyper or hypopigmentation with ELOS techniques. Also called photo rejuvenation, this relatively new technique delivers energy to both the superficial (epidermis) and deep (dermis) layers of the skin without damaging the dermis. The gentle light and electric energies break up the pigment and blood in lesions, thereby stimulating collagen restructuring and production. Thus, the skin is restored to its youthful state.

ELOS treatments can be applied to:
–    Brown spots or pigmented imperfections caused by sun damage and aging
–    Red blotchiness from spider veins or rosacea (vascular imperfections)
–    Rough skin texture
–    Freckles and dark spots
–    Broken capillaries
–    Fine lines, skin thinning, and loss of elasticty

The main benefit of ELOS skin rejuvenation is that it’s not necessary to undergo special post-operative care of take time off from work and other daily activities. It can also be performed on a wide variety of skin and hair types, making it safe and effective for just about anyone.