AURORA-ELOS™ Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation System

Other associated terms: hair removal, skin rejuvenation, Aurora ELOS™, ELOS™.


For those who are looking to remove unwanted hair and would like an alternative to electrolysis, plucking or shaving, the Aurora-ELOS™ system may be your answer.elos

The Aurora™ system uses electrical radio frequency (RF) and optical intense pulsed light energy (IPL) to create a heat/radio-related pulse solution to hair removal. This is different than the technology used by conventional laser skin treatments with the advantage of being effective on a wider variety of skin types and darker skin pigmentations. Comfort levels are maintained through an internal built-in cooling system. The system has been FDA approved for hair removal.


The Aurora-ELOS™ system of laser hair removal treatments are usually spread out over a number of weeks with an overall cost quoted for the entire treatment plan.

Treatments will last about 30-45 minutes quick and are relatively painless. The actual discomfort is related to the coarseness of the hair being removed. Initially, a topical anesthetic cream is applied a half hour before the procedure. Once numbing has taken effect, protective goggles are placed on the patient (as well as the technician) and the wand of the Aurora-ELOS™ equipment is applied to the areas that are to be treated.

During the treatments the outer skin is penetrated with light energy which is then concentrated in the deeper part of the skin (dermis). The light energy heats the skin cells which will stimulate the formation of collagen. Facial veins and blemish spots are also heated which causes them to become less noticeable.


After the procedure, the patient will experience minor redness which can be covered with make-up right away. The redness should dissipate in 1-2 hours. Normal activities may resume directly after treatment. Brown pigment becomes darker and will remove itself, through flaking, in about ten days.

Risks Associated With AURORA-ELOS™ Hair Removal

The procedure carries minimal risks. Bruising or blistering is rare and should heal within ten days.

Procedure Costs

You can expect to pay about $1000 for a 6 treatment plan (the cost will vary depending on your region). Anesthetic creams may or may not be included in the cost of the procedure.

Things to Discuss with Your Surgeon During Your Consultation

The most important thing to remember is that ELOS is a newer technology. Therefore, some practitioners may be far less experienced than others. The equipment, itself, can be purchased from $45,000 all the way down to some simple models that sell for $999.

You will want to make sure that the office you are seeking treatment from has considerable experience with a large number of patients. This will allow them to have a good protocol based on patient-specific issues. These patient characteristic that should be taken into account are variations of genetic make-up, physiology and body chemistry.

The practice that you choose for treatment, should have technicians that are experts in these various protocols. Numerous before and after photos should also be available for you to inspect. A discussion of complete treatment costs and procedure details is necessary and you may also want to inquire about any guarantee – should unwanted hair grow back in the areas that were treated.