A forehead lift, also known by some as a brow lift, can dramatically improve the appearance of the face by removing wrinkles, eliminating deep lines and raising the eyebrows to a more youthful position.

Remove Wrinkles with Forehead Lift Surgery

Aging is obviously a normal part of life but many women and men alike are unhappy with what time does to the face. Wrinkles can form on the forehead because skin stretches due to gravity leaving excess skin. A forehead lift surgery can remove the extra skin that is causing the appearance of wrinkles both on the forehead and between the eyebrows.

Eliminate Deep Lines with Forehead Lift Procedure

Over time, repeated facial expressions such as frowning or raising of the eyebrows may cause deep furrow or lines to develop laterally across the forehead. A deep crease may also develop vertically between the eyebrows. Many women are embarrassed about these creases and though they can be covered with bangs or treated with temporary cosmetic procedures such as Botox or injectable fillers, a forehead lift surgery offers a permanent solution.

Advantage of Forehead Brow Lift

In addition to the development of wrinkles and deep lines on the forehead, sagging of the brows is a common result of aging. Not only will a forehead surgery remove the wrinkles and eliminate the lines, it can lift the eyebrows into a more youthful position. This will improve not only appearance, it may actually improve eyesight as sagging eyebrows may contribute to excess skin around the eyes which may eventually begin to impede vision.

About the Fore Head Lift Procedure

Forehead lift, sometimes called a mini-face lift, is still a major cosmetic surgery and will require the use of general anesthesia. Incisions will be made along the hair line and possibly along the brows, depending upon the location of the extra skin to be removed. The incisions are made in this location to minimize the appearance of scars after the procedure.

The plastic surgeon will then carefully remove extra skin and reposition remaining skin in a tighter, more youthful position and skillfully suture it in place. After the surgery bandaging will be applied and the patient will be advised to rest with the head elevated for at least 1 to 2 days.

Most patients report significant swelling, bruising and at least moderate pain after forehead lifts. Forehead lift recovery will not be fully complete for several weeks but most people may return to normal activities after a week or so.

Choosing a Surgeon

When considering having a fore head lift procedure, the most important thing is the experience and ability of the surgeon. Forehead lift cost, though important should not be the basis for making a decision for any type of plastic surgery.

You should select a physician who is able to explain the procedure in a complete manner and who can show you a number of forehead lift before and after photos of previous patient results to be sure that you will have the results you desire.