hairlineloweringReasons for hairline lowering

There are a number of reasons that men and women ask for hairline lowering surgery. One reason is a balding scalp. As the hairline recedes toward the back of the head, one way to combat this sign of (often premature) aging is to lower the hairline.

Another reason that patients turn to hairline lowering is that they feel that their forehead is simply too big. In general, a woman’s hairline is deemed most attractive in western cultures if it begins about 3 centimeters from the eyebrows. If the hairline begins and more or less than this distance, the face is not as attractive as it could be.

An insidious reason that people seek hairline lowering is to correct overcompensation from a face lift. When the skin is pulled back into the hairline, the forehead and sideburn area can become wider— noticeably wider in some cases. A hairline lowering procedure attempts to return the hairline to a more natural state.

Types of hairline lowering

There are two main ways to achieve a hairline lowering: surgical scalp transfer and hair transplantation. In a surgical scalp transfer, the scalp is simply cut, pulled forward, and sutured at a location that is more cosmetically pleasing. A thin strip of scalp at the top of the forehead is removed and the remaining scalp is stretched forward. The surgical scar from a scalp transfer is at the hairline and is usually not noticeable.

In women who are not suffering from rapid or significant hair loss or women who simply want a smaller forehead, surgical scalp transfer may be the best hairline lowering option. If hair loss is a major issue, the second approach to hairline lowering may be better: hair transplantation.

The main way that hair transplantation is being performed today is by follicular unit extraction or FUE. In follicular unit extraction hair is removed in very small amounts—from one to three hair follicles, and placed in the front of the scalp. These follicular units as they are called, can be used to form a new hairline in virtually any location. The newer follicular unit extraction has eclipsed other hair transplantation techniques since it produces natural looking results rather than the “doll’s hair” appearance commonly seen with older techniques.

In patients who are losing their hair, follicular unit extraction as a means of hairline lowering is perhaps the best option. Since hair is harvested from the sides and back of the scalp, the hair will continue to grow even if baldness ravages the top of the scalp.

Is hairline lowering right for you?

The decision between surgical scalp transfer and hair transplantation should be made by you and your trusted plastic surgeon. The risks and benefits of each form of hairline lowering surgery should be discussed thoroughly. Before and after photos can be extremely helpful in this decision since they will give you a precise idea of the results that can be expected in each hairline lowering procedure, but also an idea as to the artistic and surgical ability of your surgeon.