plastic-cosmetic-surgeryCosmetic surgery has done wonders for breasts. From putting them back to where they belong, to enlarging them on demand, to reconstructing breasts after mastectomy, breast cosmetic surgery has been a life changer for many.

The Advantages of Plastic Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery gives you alternatives for your body that you never thought possible. From enlarging your breasts, to reshaping their contour, to possibilities are endless.

Breast augmentation utilizes saline or silicone implants that are surgically place under the breast to enhance the size and shape of the breast. These implants are safe and have a natural feel, the technology has advanced to where you can’t tell if a woman’s breasts are natural or surgically altered!

Breast lifts serve to just put ‘em back where they belong. You can combine this surgery with an augmentation. You can also enhance your sex appeal by asking a surgeon to give you more cleavage, which depends on the space between your breasts.

Breast reduction surgery is done for several reasons. A main reason cited by many cosmetic surgeons is that breast reduction surgery helps women with very large breasts to have more proportion in their body. Breast reduction surgery can eliminate the daily struggle some women have with exercise, clothing, or health.

In addition, if breasts are not symmetrical, then breast reduction surgery can rectify that problem. The cosmetic surgeon can also reshape the breast and areola to make the breast more appealing.

What Should I Expect at my Initial Consult?

Before you meet with a surgeon, do your research to find a reputable board certified cosmetic surgeon. Word of mouth and referrals are an excellent way to find a surgeon. Before you start the consultation, ask for before and after photos, as these speak a wealth of information.

During your initial consult, your surgeon will measure you, take a health history, perform a physical exam, and discuss your goals and expectations.

How Does Breast Reduction Surgery Work?

Before you start surgery, the surgeon will draw surgical markings on your breast to guide the surgery. This is important because your breasts change dramatically when you lie down, and the surgeon needs “sitting up” guidelines.

Plastic cosmetic surgery is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital, which means you will be asleep during the surgery.

What Can I Expect During Recovery?

Expect to be sore and bruised, this is normal post op. You will need to wear bandages on your breasts for two days postop. Recovery will necessitate that you rest for 7-14 days, and no heavy lifting is allowed for 3-4 weeks. You may be advised to wear a surgical or sports bra for extra support. Stitches are generally removed in two to three weeks.

As with any surgery, there are risks associated with anesthesia and normal post op risks, including infection and bleeding. If the nipple is moved, there is the risk of loss of nipple sensation, talk with your doctor about this possible side effect. However, with a good surgeon and a good anesthestic, your risks are minimal and the benefits far outweigh the risks.