revision rhinoplastyRhinoplasty, otherwise known as a “nose job”, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures being used by patients and customers. This is because the nose sits right at the center of the face, becoming a focal point of attention, and generally dictating the overall frontal and profile look of the person’s visage.

This is why patients who are conscious about their nose’s size, shape, and length, opt for rhinoplasty to fix things. Many plastic surgeons can perform this procedure. However, some are better than others, and sometimes the end result isn’t always what the client wanted. Or worse, the end result further ruins the person’s nose, and in conjunction, the person’s face.

Fortunately, however, there is what’s known as revision rhinoplasty surgery, which is essentially, a revision nose surgery procedure. The aim of revision rhinoplasty is to repair and fix a previous nose job with the hope of fixing a previous operation’s problems.

What a patient needs to know, however, is that revision rhinoplasty surgeons will have a more difficult job in front of them, because the nose’s septum, the part that forms the framework of the nose, has already been altered by the previous operation. This alteration can cause the septum, which is made of cartilage and bone, to be very difficult to work with, as with the skin of the nose is now much thicker.

This will prove to be a challenge both physically and psychologically, for both patient and surgeon. Does the patient having the will to go through another nose job after a bad operation? While the surgeon has to physically fix the nose and emotionally gain the trust of the patient to allow them to operate freely to achieve the proper end result.

Depending on the prior procedure, different incisions and techniques will be employed for revision rhinoplasty. Before and after pictures of the surgeon’s other clients can help patients feel at ease with the new surgeon, and further build confidence. For potential patients, looking at before and after photos will help with choosing the right surgeon and clinic for the job.

A revision rhinoplasty procedure can take anywhere between one to five hours, depending on the severity of the damage of the previous operation, and the amount of work that needs to be done to fix it. The surgeon’s skill is also a factor, as is the current state of the patient’s nose and face.

Recovery time can be more lengthy than the previous operation, but it all depends on the amount of work done. As always, possible side effects include swelling, bruising, and infection, so it is imperative that patients diligently take the prescribed medication, painkillers, and antibiotics.