To tighten neck skin, you can opt to have a neck lift. Surgeons usually perform a neck lift in conjunction with a face lift operation. Tightening loose neck skin will make the neck appear more youthful, especially if you opt to have a face lift, as you want the two to match.


tightening-a-loose-neckThe patient will be under local or general anesthesia with sedation. Neck skin tightening involves making incisions around the hairline, then utilizing endoscopy methods to extract fat and extra skin.

After the skin and fat have been removed, the cosmetic surgeon tightens the muscles and softly pulls the exterior layer of skin backward and upward, revealing a more youthful look.

The incisions wil be very small and concealed under the hairline. The duration of the neck skin tightening surgery lasts about 2-3 hours. The individual will recover in an outpatient setting for 1-2 days.


Neck lifts vary in cost depending on the geographical location and the surgeon that is chosen. Average costs range from $3,000 to $15,000 depending on if you are having simultaneous procedures.

This total range of fees for neck skin tightening include the surgical setting fee, anesthetic costs and the plastic surgeon’s fee. Most doctors and facilities offer financing programs to assist with all the costs. Results typically last 7-10 years.

Natural Remedies

Some women and men choose not to go under the knife and instead, opt for more natural remedies to maintain a youthful neck area.

Facial exercises help tone the neck and get often promote a tightened neck. A healthy fitness routine and good eating habits also contribute to younger-looking skin.

How to do Facial Exercise Treatments

1. Start by massaging the face using upward strokes with a vitamin E cream.
2. Apply pressure to both ends of the forehead area.
3. Using circular motions, massage the forehead region.
4. Using upward motions, gently message the cheeks.
5. Put pressure on your nose by using your thumbs to begin at the upper bone to the cheek area.
6. Using upward strokes massage your neck and tuck the skin underneath the chin. Olive oil can be used as a great massage oil.
7. Regular facials should be done after hitting the age of 30.

Skin Care

If you participate in a regular exercise routine you can continue to sweat and detoxify the skin. Avoid sun exposure by applying a sun cream. You can tone the skin by using face packs. The use of an anti wrinkle cream in the nighttime is a must.

Make sure to get plenty of rest and avoid caffeine products. Also limit smoking and drinking habits. Stress can play a major role in the cause of aging, so release it by doing meditation or yoga.