ab etching surgeryThe standards for beauty range from the glamorous to the athletic. And as far as athletic beauty is concerned, it no longer is confined to what you can achieve with just physical exercise—cosmetic surgery technology started to pave the way for a procedure that is designed to help people in obtaining surgically defined abs.

Pioneered and invented by plastic surgeon Henry A. Mentz III in the 1990s, abdominal etching is a cosmetic surgery technique that is employed to provide contour and shape that will flatten out the stomach of patients, in turn helping them form muscular contours on their abdomen.

Why Abdominal Etching?

This procedure usually serves as follow-up surgery for two bigger, more complicated surgeries. The first type of surgery is liposuction, and the other involves abdominoplasty. These two operations form the basis of what the surgeon will do during the ab etching surgery.

The unfortunate fact is that despite its track record, liposuction results aren’t always exactly what the patients pictured themselves to look like post-op. It won’t bring out those toned muscles you already have—that’s what ab etching surgery is for. This figure enhancing operation has the capacity to help you tone your body, helping you achieve the most desirable sick-pack you’ve ever had.

Abdominal etching actually derives its methods from liposuction, the most popular fat-elimination surgery. Others actually call it precision liposuction. This procedure to help muscles that have already been toned in coming out in the surface “sculpts” the stomach and produces light ripples where the ab muscles should be.

The process of abdominal etching begins rather simply. A small narrow tube is inserted through a tiny cut in order to remove fat selectively. Those cuts are then surgically hidden among the natural creases and folds of the skin.

Liposuction is used to remove fat as abdominal etching helps flatten out and tighten your stomach in order to define your muscles better. Abdominoplasty, on the other hand, is not just used as a tool to tighten the abs, but it can also be used to move muscles. Abdominal etching only works with fats to create that sculpture.

Potential Ab Etching Surgery Targets

The best candidate to undergo ab etching surgery already has naturally firm and athletic-looking muscles underneath a relatively small layer of fat, and this can be enhanced by abdominal etching.

People with very tough and exercise-resistant fat deposits will need to go for liposuction before their abs can be improved and enhanced through abdominal etching. In the same manner, patients with loose and sagging muscles who went through an abdominoplasty will have no trouble getting their surgically defined ab through surgery.

Remember that the success or failure of—or even the approval for—this operation will still depend on the anatomy of the patient. A properly balanced diet and a rigorous exercise program might be helpful as a way of preparing for any surgery of this kind.