Artecoll (Artefill)

artefillWrinkles are an ever-present threat to people who wish to preserve their youthful appearance. This is because wrinkles are a clear sign of aging, and can really be a problem for those who do not want their looks to be compromised.

Some wrinkles are mild, and can usually be prevented through a healthy lifestyle, proper diet, and care of the skin. But other wrinkles just really occur despite all preventive efforts. One of the common areas where wrinkles occur are the nasolabial folds, those deep lines that run from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth. Deep nasolabial folds can give the impression of severe aging, making it a very big issue for appearance conscious folk.

Fortunately, the cosmetic surgery industry has solved this problem through what is known throughout the industry as the Artecoll treatment.

What is the Artecoll treatment?

Artecoll, also known as Artefill, is a brand new kind of dermal filler that gives longer lasting results than usual cosmetic filler injectables. In fact, it is often advertised as being a “long lasting to permanent” collagen treatment, and is used to push wrinkles back out and to reduce the skin folds that come with the aging process.

Because of its effectiveness, this is the filler of choice when it comes to dealing with the nasolabial fold, due to the difficult nature of this section of the face.

It is primarily made of collagen, a material abundant in all mammals, making it a very natural material to use. In the case of human beings, thinning of the collagen is responsible for the face’s aged look, and causes unwanted lines and wrinkles on the face.

Aside from the nasolabial folds, Artecoll is also use for lip augmentation, non-surgical nose augmentation, acne scar removal, and can even be used for buttock augmentation.

The Artecoll treatment procedure

Applying Artecoll begins with a consultation meeting with the surgeon. During this session, the surgeon inspects the area that needs to be treated (usually the nasolabial folds) in order to assess the amount of work that needs to be done. The surgeon then explains the procedure to the patient, and gives them a realistic projection of the possible results. Once the patient is agreeable to the scenario, they are readied for the procedure.

The procedure itself is very quick. A local or topical anesthesia is used in the target area, and the Artecoll filler is injected in. For optimal results, multiple injections are done over the course of 1-3 months.

Cost of treatments

The cost of Artecoll treatments heavily depends on the amount the patient needs in order to get the necessary results. The usual cost in major cities fall between $500 - $700 per injection. However, clinics will usually offer payment schemes to patients, allowing this treatment to be available to almost anyone.

Possible risks, complications, and recovery time

Possible risks include swelling and bruising in the area. Infection is also a possibility, but is less likely, especially if the patient follows the surgeon’s instructions carefully. It is advised, however, that until the recovery period takes place (which happens within 1-2 months of the last injection), the patient has to avoid strenuous activities.