body_contouringOh, the perfectly chiseled physique. It takes an exacting diet, the proper amount of cardio, progressive resistive weight training, and…surgical body contouring? Most men find that they can only get so close to their idea of a perfect physique but just never reach it. It seems that no matter how hard they work, a little extra fat keeps the skin creases between the muscles more rounded than cut. For men that are close to their goal, hi def body sculpting may be the bridge that brings them that last little way to their destination.

Hi def body sculpting

Hi def body sculpting is a form of body contouring that has been adapted to take people with reasonably trim physiques and make them extraordinary. Hi def body sculpting often incorporates a specialized liposuction device such as VASER liposuction. The reason that a specialized liposuction device is needed for hi def body sculpting is because the goal is precision fat removal rather than quantity. The cosmetic surgeon is interested in removing fat from very specific areas rather than seeing how much belly fat can be removed in a single session. With hi def body sculpting, the liposuction probe removes fat along the natural curves and ridges of the muscle. In this cosmetic surgery for men, the main target for hi def body sculpting is the abs and chest, but can be applied to the arms, legs, and most other regions of the body.

VASER liposuction

VASER liposuction is one of the main types of liposuction used in hi def body sculpting because its design is very well suited to body sculpting. First, the VASER liposuction probe is quite thin, which means it can reach small areas between the skin and muscle or in the creases between muscles. Another advantage of VASER liposuction is that it includes a small ultrasound probe in its tip. Why is that important? The ultrasound tip vibrates back and forth thousands of times per second (!). This vibration causes small bubbles in the fatty tissue, shakes apart clumps of fat, and even breaks apart individual fat cells. The result is a precise disruption of fat wherever the VASER liposuction probe is placed. This is great news for men seeking hi def body sculpting because the probe can target small areas between abdominal or arm muscles.

Does anyone actually get hi def body sculpting?

You may be surprised how popular hi def body sculpting is becoming. Not only has cosmetic surgery for men has been increasing in popularity at a steady rate, men also seem to be seeking more specific procedures, including procedures that involve body contouring. As there is a camaraderie between men that consistently do weight training and bodybuilding, so is there a word-of-mouth spread of the hi def body sculpting procedure.

If you are considering this somewhat specialized cosmetic surgery for men, you should find a plastic surgeon that has a VASER liposuction or similar body contouring device capable of achieving hi def body sculpting. Remember that hi def body sculpting is not appropriate for the overweight or obese, nor would it be the best choice for someone seeking to get rid of excess skin. However, if you are a man that wants a little extra help reaching your body sculpting goals, this quick cosmetic procedure may allow you to stop chasing that elusive dream and actually reach it.