The forehead readily exhibits signs of aging. Wrinkles and lines become common marks in the brow area with age. Some people undergo cosmetic surgery on the forehead because these deep lines can be very obvious. There are methods that specifically remedy the forehead area. Botox injections are popular remedies for ridding the brow of wrinkles. Surgical wrinkle removal methods are available in the forehead or brow lift procedures as well. One example of a surgical brow lift is the Endoscopic Forehead Lift.

The Endoscopic Forehead Lift Procedure

The Endoscopic Forehead Lift was named such because of the surgical instrument specifically used for this kind of forehead lift. An endoscope, which contains a small camera, gives better visibility to the operating physician. This skin lift procedure has been utilized in the United States since 1994. Scientific studies have established that the technique is an effective wrinkle removal and aesthetic enhancement technique.

The Endoscopic Forehead Lift involves short incisions made behind the hairline. Usually, four to six small cuts have to be inflicted on the skin. The small cuts also lend the name short scar forehead lift to the technique. Scarring is greatly reduced in this brow lift, making it a very popular choice among cosmetic surgery patients.

The endoscope is inserted under the skin layer through the small cuts. Some muscles in the area are taken away to minimize motion and subsequent creasing on the forehead. The brow is then tightened by pulling back the skin and securing it in place. Higher brow lines are common outcomes of short scar forehead lifts.

Pros and Cons

The benefits of the Endoscopic Forehead Lift extend beyond the enhancement of one’s aesthetic facial qualities. An example is the minimal need for incisions to be made. In addition to minimized scarring, these cuts also heal faster so a patient wouldn’t be out of commission for a long time. Post-operation bruising or swelling is not a common occurrence. Any pain or numbness a patient might experience regularly disappears within a week, making it possible to return to regular routines in a short period of time. Since the effects of the procedure last long , it would take quite some time before another Endoscopic Forehead Lift would have to be performed. If the aging rate of the skin is ideal, it is also possible for results to last up to ten years.

The short scar forehead lift also has risks and disadvantages. Injuries can be inflicted on the eye area during the procedure. Nerves are also vulnerable to damage during the brow lift. The risk of infection is present after the operation. This type of brow lift works best on people who have average forehead heights; those who already have high foreheads might not want a higher brow line. The general appearance of the face may greatly be influenced by this raised brow line. It is important to think about these things when evaluating the Endoscopic Forehead Lift for individual needs.