face cosmetic surgeryAs it is the first thing noticed, it is not surprising that cosmetic surgery is performed more often on the face than any other body part.  There are a number of facial cosmetic surgery procedures ranging from non-invasive aesthetic types such as Botox injections and laser hair surgery to more radical treatments like face lifts and nose jobs.  Depending upon the particular desires and needs of the patient, face plastic surgery and other face cosmetic procedures can dramatically improve one’s appearance and self esteem.

Non-Invasive Cosmetic Face Procedures

  • Wrinkle Treatment can improve the appearance of minor wrinkles and lines using Botox injections.  Deeper lines and wrinkles may be treated with dermal filler injections such as Juvederm and Restylane.
  • Laser Hair Treatment can remove unwanted hair on the face by focused bursts of light which will destroy the hair follicles and prevent new hair growth.
  • Chemical Peels using hydroxy or glycolic acids or more concentrated acids such as phenols or Trichloroacetic acid may improve the texture of the skin.  It is frequently successful in reduction of the signs of aging and may be helpful for acne scarring as well.  Milder versions of chemical peels may be performed in a skin care clinic but the more concentrated forms must be applied by a physician.

Face Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

  • Face Lift surgery may restore the face to a more youthful appearance by removing excess skin that has sagged and caused wrinkling.  It may lift the features back to a more natural level and remove the “jowls” and double chin that often appears with aging.
  • Nose Restructuring, medically known as rhinoplasty can restructure the nose into a more pleasing appearance.  It can also restore the nose to a natural appearance following injury or correct a deviated septum that may cause difficulty with breathing.
  • Eyelid Surgery may benefit some older people whose eyelids have fallen and are now obscuring the vision.  It will restore a deeper, more natural curve to the eye socket.  It is also done for cosmetic purposes in those who desire a more contoured eyelid.
  • Brow Lift is a more minor version of a face lift which can remove excess skin and wrinkles from the forehead.  It may also be called a forehead lift and will return the brows to a more natural, younger appearing position.

Whether you need something minor such as improved skin texture or something more extensive like a face lift, a consultation with a facial cosmetic surgeon may improve your life by returning you to a more youthful, vibrant person happy with your appearance.