Let’s face it, men get BOTOX. They may not say they do. They may not even complain about wrinkles, but they do notice them in the mirror. Whether men are unhappy with an ever deepening furrow in their brow or laugh lines that are still there after the laughing has stopped, men would rather not have wrinkles if they could possibly avoid them.

men and botoxMen and cosmetic surgery

While men are slowly and silently gaining ground on women when it comes to cosmetic surgery procedures, they are still in the minority. Only one out of every ten people that has cosmetic surgery is a man. There are several reasons for this disparity. Men view themselves as the bread winners (or expected bread winners) and feel like they cannot take time off work for such things. Society’s pressure to look good is not as intense for men as it is for women. Moreover, some men still feel that there is a stigma against men having cosmetic surgery.

Men and BOTOX

While these are the reasons that men do not have as much cosmetic surgery as women, it is also part of the reason that men are getting BOTOX. Think about it. Botulinum toxin injections are an outpatient procedure. A male patient can make an appointment with a plastic surgeon or other qualified physician and within an hour can have completed treatment. There is no real recovery period from BOTOX cosmetic and men can go back to work the same day if they wish. In other words, the “bread winner” does not lose any bread by having the BOTOX procedure (except for the cost of BOTOX).

Is there still a stigma?

The issue of stigma with men and BOTOX usually falls into one of two categories. In one case, the man does not perceive that there is any stigma, since many ex-athlete commentators, coaches, and other “tough guys” have admitted having botulinum toxin injections. In the other case, the stigma may still persist; however, the man realizes that since BOTOX treatment is so discreet, no one will know the difference either way.

Men want to look good

While it is clear that the pressure to look good falls more on women than men, men are certainly beginning to feel it. While the metrosexual male is not often talked about anymore, some of the grooming lessons learned from that era have stuck with the average man. Maybe it is not so attractive to have single bushy eyebrow. Maybe clean and trimmed fingernails are actually appealing to women. Maybe women really do want to see a neatly kept face reasonably free of wrinkles and deep creases. For some men, BOTOX has become another grooming habit incorporated into their routine.

The BOTOX procedure

Many plastic surgeons and dermatologists have made BOTOX a quick and discreet procedure for men. They have streamlined their visits, treatment plans, and treatments into one or two quick visits. Male patients start out with a discussion about their wishes and the physician candidly discusses the options and realistic outcomes of Botulinum toxin injections. The skin is prepared for treatment and BOTOX is administered with an ultra fine needle in carefully selected areas. There is no real recovery process and the improvements in the face take place subtly over say two weeks.