The shape of your face is difficult to change; difficult, but not impossible. The chin, in particular, is a feature that many people want to enhance. A weak chin makes your face look unbalanced, as if you’re always looking down. A strong chin makes you look confident and more attractive. Men would especially prefer a square chin with a slight jut to make them look masculine or “macho”.non-surgical chin enhancement

The traditional procedure for chin enhancement involves surgically inserting an implant to reshape the chin. This is a tried and tested method, but it does have its risks. For one, the implant can move after surgery. When this happens, you will have to get it repositioned. Although rare, there have been enough cases that it has become a concern.

There is also a risk of infection. If the infection is severe, the implant has to be removed. Not only is it a waste of time and money, it can damage your health and prevent you from undertaking any further cosmetic operations. Because of these risks, doctors have developed an alternative: non surgical face lift for chin.

How it Works

Why is it non-surgical? Instead of making an incision and inserting an implant, the doctor injects a dermal filler under the skin via a very fine needle. The doctor precisely applies the filler to target areas of your chin to produce the desired results. Because the filler can be applied in small amounts and in separate areas, the doctor has full control over the shape and size of your chin.

Recovering From the Procedure

The non surgical facelift for chin has little or no recovery time, which means that you don’t have to stay in a sterile environment or take a few days off from work. There are a few things you should avoid, such as exercise and extreme heat, but aside from that, you can go about your normal, daily life.

In some cases there will be swelling on the chin area and in very rare cases, bruises will appear. However, these are symptoms which will disappear in just two to three days.

Advantages of a Non-surgical Chin Enhancement

A non surgical facelift for chin requires little preparation and has a short procedural time. The entire process takes about half an hour, or less. You could easily go to your clinic, get your treatment, and be back at the office before your lunch break ends.

When compared to traditional methods, the non surgical facelift for chin is much safer. There is no danger of a shifting implant, and infections are unheard of. Fillers are temporary, however. Over time, your body will break it down and absorb it naturally. This is both an advantage and disadvantage.

Because it is temporary, you need to go back for re-treatment after six to twelve months. The advantage of is that you aren’t committed to just one look. Next treatment, you could make your chin bigger and wider. If you’re not happy with that, you can make it smaller or softer. And as time passes by and your face naturally changes, you can adjust the effect of your treatment to suit your current appearance. You could not achieve this versatility with the traditional chin enhancement.