The most irritating fact about aging is the physical manifestations it brings about in your body. The development of wrinkles, creases, and facial lines are some of the dreaded signs of aging, and this is an inevitable and complex biological process influenced by several intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors brought about by a chronological process of aging is catalyzed by extrinsic factors such as food consumption, sun exposure, smoking, gravity, genetics and repeated movement of facial muscles.

These are factors that humans cannot reverse. However, our skin has its own mechanism of protecting itself from these factors, and pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies tried to harness naturally occurring chemicals to help keep the skin young, and as much as possible, try to rewind the passage of time to help skin regain its youth.

These companies have invested millions of dollars in the production and innovation of skin creams and lotions for this sole purpose. It leaves one consumer dazed and confused when choosing from a number of products. The question is, how do we know which product actually works?

Retin-A Skin Treatment

Retin-A Treatment, or Tretinoin, is an acid form, topical version of vitamin A. It is classified as a retinoid, a group of chemicals related to vitamin A (as previously mentioned). Originally, Retin-A was formulated to treat acne, but recent innovations have shown that the chemical affects more than just facial acne.

Apparently, Retin-A can also be used as a agent for treating photoaging, and is proven to be able to reduce fine lines, remove wrinkles, and improve the skin’s condition and appearance. Aside from that, Retin-A skin creams also help in treating and reducing stretch marks by increasing collagen production in the dermis, and speeds up the recovery of skin after a surgery. Retin-A treatment for hair loss is also available.

Retin-A products work by removing the top layer of the skin composed of dead cells, and helping to bring more blood to the skin cells, thus speeding up cell regeneration or increasing cell turnover rates. It also irritates the skin to speed up the cell division and regeneration of skin, while it decreases the build-up of dead skin cells. Non-topical versions of Retin-A can aid the cure of some cancer and lung problems.

Using Retin-A

Retin-A usually comes in the form of Retin-A Skin Creams. They are usually prescribed to be used once a day, probably in the evening, after cleansing. The face must be patted dry before applying the Retin-A cream or gel to the skin.

To reduce the risk of complications and to enhance results, a daily skincare regimen will be recommended by the doctor. One example is having to use sunscreen to override the risk of increased photosensitivity.

Retin-A skin creams needs to be religiously used for a time before truly visible results can be seen. It would take several weeks, or even a few months, before noticeable skin improvements occur, and can even cause an initial worsening of acne breakouts for some users. It may be irritating, but this is part of the mechanism of the Retin-A treatment of increased cell regeneration.