Sagging skin resting on huge thighs can get in the way of one’s confidence and hurt his or her self-image. For the most part, it’s more than an aesthetic concern of not being able to wear shorts and bathing suits.

thigh-liftBig, saggy thighs can come in contact with each other and cause friction to the skin. Irritation and sores could arise and cause discomfort. Even through weight loss and constant exercise, the inner thigh is quite difficult to reduce by traditional weight loss methods.

If this is overcome through liposuction or otherwise, the issue of sagging skin is another hurdle to conquer.

More often than not, thigh problems bother more women than men. These days, you don’t have to keep the problem to yourself. Help is on the way through thigh lift cosmetic surgery.

Loose, excess skin resulting from weight loss can be tightened through a thigh lift and give way to thinner-looking thighs. In general, this can be achieved through the removal of excess skin and the repositioning of the surrounding tissues.

Different Types of Thigh Lifts

1. Inner Thigh Lift

An inner thigh lift aims for the inner thighs. This is done through the incision at the junction of the thigh and pubic area. Excess fats are removed through liposuction, and skin is tightened for a better contour.

2. Bilateral Thigh Lift

A bilateral thigh lift is designed to tighten the skin on the front and outside of the thighs. The incision is made at the top of the thighs where the lower edge of bikini underwear would lie. A portion of the skin is removed before the remaining skin is pulled up and attached to the site of incision.

The method tightens both the right and left side of the thighs, hence the term bilateral thigh lift. This is effective for those with excess skin brought about by a dramatic weight loss.

3. Medial Thigh Lift

A medial thigh lift reduces excess skin and fat on the upper portion of the inner thighs. Site of incision is at the groin, going back into the crease of the buttocks. This is also ideal for those with too much saggy skin from extreme weight loss.

Candidates for Thigh Lift Procedure

If you have large amounts of loose, sagging skin on the thighs related to significant weight loss or aging, and want to regain its normal appearance, then thigh lift surgery is for you. Sometimes it has to be combined with liposuction to remove excess fat for a shapelier outcome.

If you are considering undertaking a thigh lift, you must be in good general health condition, a non-smoker who could maintain a stable weight through proper diet and lifestyle changes. You must also have a positive outlook and realistic expectations on the results. If you suffer from any arterial, venous, and lymphatic diseases, the procedure may not be suitable not for you.

Risks and Considerations

Like any surgery, a thigh lift carries risks that must be carefully considered. It does leave scars, but your surgeon will strive to place them at inconspicuous areas. Bruising, scar migration, wound separation, infection, and anesthesia-related problems could occur, while unsightly results requiring revision also happens in some cases.

Sensory damage to the nerves traversing the thighs, fluid accumulation, and blood clots circulating to other parts of the body are likewise potential risks of thigh lift surgery. If you notice any symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heart beats and unusual bleeding after the thigh lift, inform your surgeon as soon as possible because these are danger signs warranting immediate attention.

Preparing for Surgery

Thorough medical history will be asked, comprehensive physical examination will be performed, and laboratory tests will be requested by your doctor to confirm your general state of health. If you are on any blood thinning medications, such as aspirin or Coumadin, inform your physician as these may affect your bleeding and clotting processes which are crucial during a thigh lift or any surgery .

Sometimes thigh lifts are performed in conjunction with other body lift surgeries such as buttock lift, breast lift, and tummy tuck. You may inquire about the other procedures which you think can maximize the outcome of your thigh lift.

Recovery Period

Most patients prefer to have an overnight stay at the hospital following the thigh lift. This way, your condition can be closely monitored to avoid complications. You can resume light activities after 2 to 3 weeks. You must always protect your wounds from excessive force, friction and motion at this stage. Ideally, you should take at least one week off from work.

After 4 to 6 weeks, you may return to your usual exercise routine, strenuous work, and sexual activity. The swelling should subside at this time but the desired results may only be fully enjoyed months to a year after. You should keep watch on your weight to permanently improve body contours.

Cost of Thigh Lift Surgery

The average cost for a thigh lift procedure varies from $4,000 to $12,000, depending on the extent of work to be done, the complexity of the thigh lift, the expertise of the cosmetic surgeon, and the geographical location of the clinic where the thigh lift will be performed.

Expectedly, thigh lifts in New York would cost much more than the procedure done at suburban regions. During your initial consultation, discuss with your doctor the approximate amount that will be needed for your thigh lift procedure.