Umbilicoplasty or bellybutton revision is a fairly simple plastic surgery procedure designed to restructure the belly button. As more and more women (and men) may wish to bare the midriff, people are in search of the perfect, cute belly button.Umbilicoplasty

Umbilicoplasty can also be called belly button surgery. It is performed most often on women who wish to wear low cut jeans or bikinis or who desire to wear halter tops and “belly shirts”.

There are several reasons for needing an umbilicoplasty to repair the belly button. Some people are born with an “outie” belly button. Most people believe that an “innie” belly button is much more attractive. In addition an outie may actually cause pain as it can be bumped and be sensitive to clothing. Changing an outie to an innie belly button is one good reason to get umbilicoplasty surgery.

Another reason to have umbilicoplasty is after childbirth. The process of bearing a child will often stretch the skin of the abdomen and the skin around the belly button. Sometimes the belly button will fall and no longer be in a natural location.

This can also happen to both men and women after a large amount of weight is lost or after abdominal liposuction. Skin that has stretched a great deal will often have lost its elasticity and will not return to a normal location. Belly button reconstruction surgery will remove the extra skin and position the belly button into a more natural, normal position.

Women who need abdominoplasty or a tummy tuck will often get umbilicoplasty at the same time. Abdominoplasty removes extra skin and sagging pouches around the lower portion of the abdomen. Umbilicoplasty can easily be combined with a tummy tuck procedure or even the larger lower body lift plastic surgery to provide a complete makeover to the lower portion of the body.

Still another reason to have umbilicoplasty is to have one constructed after it has been removed from surgery or was damaged due to trauma. Surgical umbilical reconstruction can be performed to make a new, naturally appearing belly button and allow even those who have no belly button to wear tummy baring clothing without fear of shame or embarrassment.

Many women are even so comfortable with their belly button enhancement surgery that they are confident enough to get a pierced belly button and show the world their new tummy!