wrinkle removalIn a glance, a person’s age range can be revealed by the existence, or lack of, wrinkles. It is the proverbial sign of aging, so much so that in movies, animation, and illustrations, the easiest way to show an elderly person is by putting wrinkles. However, wrinkles can also come from stress, poor health, and lack of care for the skin. Oftentimes, people don’t notice they have wrinkles until it’s too late, in which case, it can be very difficult to treat them using more traditional means, such as having good nutrition, using skin care products, and just overall taking care of one’s self.

Which is why cosmetic dermatology has developed methods that specifically tackle the fight against wrinkles. Wrinkle removal is a very popular procedure, sought after mostly by aging women who would want to preserve their beauty. It is such a huge issue that the industry has developed various wrinkle treatments, each with its own positives and negatives, but all aimed at eliminating wrinkles to create a more youthful look.

Types of Wrinkle Removal

Laser wrinkle removal, or laser resurfacing, is one such method. It uses lasers to break up, and eventually “burn away” damaged or dead skin cells in order to facilitate the growth of younger, healthier skin. This in turn will eliminate wrinkles and make the skin appear to have a more radiant and rejuvenated look.

Another wrinkle treatment is microdermabrasion, a procedure that uses a device that sprays very fine crystals, to act as scrubs and give abrasion to the outer layers of skin, which are often dry, damaged, or dead. This aims to encourage the appearance of newer and younger skin from underneath, and at the same time eliminate the dead skin that forms wrinkles. The end result is younger looking skin without the lines and wrinkles.

Chemical peels is another form of wrinkles treatment, using acidic solutions applied on the skin to melt and practically “burn” the dead upper layers of skin that cause lines and wrinkles. This, at the same time, stimulates the appearance of new skin, that is younger and healthier looking.

Benefits of Wrinkle Removal

These methods all have their positives and negatives, but have one thing in common, which is recovery time. Something that Thermage, another wrinkle treatment, does not have. Using radiofrequency waves to tighten the layers beneath the skin, it reduces the appearance of wrinkles and at the same time, because it is non-invasive and practically has no side effects, patients don’t need any time off to recover, and can go back to the day-to-day activities as soon as the treatment is over.

These are but some of the possible wrinkle removal solutions available on the market today.